Ian Lives in Belfast

I don't know much about being a missionary...but I do know that it's ok for people to eat pickles for breakfast.

My Photo
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Mild-mannered communication professor, husband, father, warrior wildman. Se habla EspaƱol, tambien. Photo Credit: Nikki Dawes (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/XB5N80)

Thursday, January 13, 2005

January...and back to work

Now that the holiday break is over, I'm back to work as usual. Christmas and the New Year went well. I'll be giving a full update later in the month, but until then, here are a few pictures covering the past few weeks.

Giant's Casueway.Formed either when Irish giant, Finn MacCool (no kidding), made a land bridge to Scotland to fight another giant, OR by volcanic activity and the rapid heating and cooling of the stones 62-65 million years ago. Take your pick. Posted by Hello

The North Coast, near Ballycastle. Posted by Hello

Jill Sanderson came to visit me over the break. Here she is in the Fall Road Memorial Gardens, inspecting the names of Catholic civilians who lost their lives in sectarian conflict. Posted by Hello

Glenariff waterfall. We visited here on January 1, 2005. Posted by Hello

This huge blue fish cost the city of Belfast a pretty penny, but it's quite a sight along the River Lagan. Posted by Hello