Ian Lives in Belfast

I don't know much about being a missionary...but I do know that it's ok for people to eat pickles for breakfast.

My Photo
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Mild-mannered communication professor, husband, father, warrior wildman. Se habla EspaƱol, tambien. Photo Credit: Nikki Dawes (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/XB5N80)

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Here I am, fire twirling. This could be the coolest picture ever taken of me. Please take note that I'm wearing my Flame Chucks to complete the effect. Posted by Hello

This is one of the kids that attended Friday night's dance. I loved that he's clearly wearing an adult-sized mask which totally dwarfs his face. His politely folded hands are in acute contrast to that horrible mask, too. Posted by Hello

This Wednesday I took a day trip with Mary to Dublin. On the way we stopped at an Irish girl's school that does cross-border work with the community centre where Mary works, The Vine. Posted by Hello

Halloween in Belfast

This weekend has been a flurry of activity around Halloween. So far I've attended a children's dance for neighbourhood kids around the church, had my Fish & Chips fix for the week, learned how to twirl fire on chains, played percussion at a fire twirling demonstration, and seen Belfast's Rocky Horror Picture Show performed live in the company of Melissa and our new Australian friends. The Point youth group meets tonight for a full on party with Jack-O-Lantern carving, bobbing for apples and the works.