Ian Lives in Belfast

I don't know much about being a missionary...but I do know that it's ok for people to eat pickles for breakfast.

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Mild-mannered communication professor, husband, father, warrior wildman. Se habla EspaƱol, tambien. Photo Credit: Nikki Dawes (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/XB5N80)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Steven, my goth friend and the voice of God

Monday in Avi's I was having a mid-afternoon cup of coffee and ran into my friend Steven who was dealing with a pretty significant loss. He was drunk and angry. Then, in the midst of his anger and frustration at the situation he was dealing with he said, "Sometimes you have to completely fall apart before you can put yourself back together again." It struck me that particular morning as a golden spiritual Truth. There are times when holding on to what we were, what we had, or what we used to be keeps us as we always were. Sometimes falling completely apart is the only way we are ever reborn. And, God-willing, we are reborn more in the image of Christ each time.


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